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We know that the JavaScript runtime is a single-threaded environment, making it essentially impossible to use multiple threads within this environment. However, NAPI enables us to have the capability to use multiple threads. To prevent the haphazard use of multiple threads in NAPI from causing chaos in the JavaScript runtime, the official documentation provides the capability of ThreadSafeFunction. This is the only way we interact between multiple threads and the JavaScript runtime. Similar implementations are also provided on HarmonyOS.

Now, let's start to experiment with using TSFN to implement a native multithreaded application.


Firstly, our TSFN will accept a callback function, which will be invoked after the multithreaded execution is completed.

Therefore, we need to define a parameter for the callback function, as shown in the following code:

use napi_derive_ohos::napi;
use napi_ohos::{JsFunction, Result};

pub fn run_ts_fn(cb: JsFunction) -> Result<()>  {

Then, we need to create a TSFN that can be safely called in a child thread. Here's how you can do it:

use napi_derive_ohos::napi;
use napi_ohos::{
    threadsafe_function::{ErrorStrategy, ThreadsafeFunction},
    JsFunction, Result,

pub fn run_ts_fn(cb: JsFunction) -> Result<()> {
    let ts_fn: ThreadsafeFunction<i64, ErrorStrategy::CalleeHandled> = cb 
        .create_threadsafe_function(0, |ctx| ctx.env.create_int64(ctx.value).map(|v| vec![v])) 


You can see that when we create a TSFN, it accepts two generic parameters. The first one is used to define the current data type, which will be passed to ctx.value when the TSFN is called. The second one is used to define the response mode of the current TSFN. Following that, when we create it, we pass two parameters: the first one is the callback queue size of the TSFN. When it's set to 0, the queue will be unlimited. The second one is the final execution callback function, used to pass data back to the JS environment.


It's worth noting that ultimately, when returning, we need to return a list. This list will serve as the arguments passed to the callback function in the JS environment.

Now we can call this function in any child thread.

use std::thread;

use napi_derive_ohos::napi;
use napi_ohos::{
    threadsafe_function::{ErrorStrategy, ThreadsafeFunction, ThreadsafeFunctionCallMode},
    JsFunction, Result,

pub fn run_ts_fn(cb: JsFunction) -> Result<()> {
    let ts_fn: ThreadsafeFunction<i64, ErrorStrategy::CalleeHandled> = cb
        .create_threadsafe_function(0, |ctx| ctx.env.create_int64(ctx.value).map(|v| vec![v]))

    thread::spawn(move || {, ThreadsafeFunctionCallMode::NonBlocking);  


In the JavaScript code, it will look something like this:

import tslib from '';

tslib.runTsFn((result) => {
    // result is 1;


In JavaScript, we generally have two ways to handle callback functions:

  1. When an error occurs, the error will be returned as the first argument of the callback function. Otherwise, the first argument will be null, indicating normal execution.
  2. When an error occurs, it throws an exception directly and exits the program.

ErrorStrategy::CalleeHandled is used for the first scenario, while ErrorStrategy::Fatal is used for the second scenario.