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Task is the most important part of the ohos-rs. It helps us to implement complex logic in libuv, which can avoid cause the main thread to lock.

For example, if we perform CPU-intensive calculations in the main thread, it will cause the main thread to freeze, and the UI and other tasks cannot proceed.

Basic usage

If we need to use task, we should implement the Task trait for any data. Task's trait is below here:

pub trait Task: Send + Sized {
  type Output: Send + Sized + 'static;
  type JsValue: ToNapiValue + TypeName;

  /// Compute logic in libuv thread
  fn compute(&mut self) -> Result<Self::Output>;

  /// Into this method if `compute` return `Ok`
  fn resolve(&mut self, env: Env, output: Self::Output) -> Result<Self::JsValue>;

  /// Into this method if `compute` return `Err`
  fn reject(&mut self, _env: Env, err: Error) -> Result<Self::JsValue> {

  // after resolve or reject
  fn finally(&mut self, _env: Env) -> Result<()> {

For us, we must implement the basic method: compute resolve.

This method will be executed in libuv with sub thread.

This method will be executed in the main thread.


You should avoid to run the complex logic in this method.

Simple example

Now we try to implement the fibonacci with task.

At first, we need to declare a basic struct.

fn fibonacci_native(n: u32) -> u32 {
    match n {
        1 | 2 => 1,
        _ => fibonacci_native(n - 1) + fibonacci_native(n - 2),

struct ComputeFib {
    n: u32,

impl ComputeFib {
    pub fn new(n: u32) -> ComputeFib {
        ComputeFib { n }

Then, we need to implement the Task for ComputeFib.

impl Task for ComputeFib {
    type Output = u32;
    type JsValue = JsNumber;

    fn compute(&mut self) -> Result<Self::Output> {

    fn resolve(&mut self, env: Env, output: Self::Output) -> Result<Self::JsValue> {

Finally just to register a method for ArkTS, the function's sign should be below here:

// register method
pub fn fib(env: Env, init: u32) -> Result<JsObject> {
    let task = ComputeFib::new(init);
    let async_promise = env.spawn(task).unwrap();
// ts declare
export function fib(init: number): Promise<number>

Now we can use it in ArkTS.

import nativeFib from '';

const result = await nativeFib.fib(10);

The fibonacci will run in the libuv.